FBC Online Directory
Our invite-only, opt-in virtual congregation directory.
Church Center is where our congregation can go to connect with our church. You may have already used it to register for an event, join a group, or check in for an event. Now Church Center includes a directory feature. We're so excited to offer this feature to anyone who considers FBC to be their home.
Don't worry, your information is always private until you choose to share it and you can change your privacy settings or opt-out at any time.
Don't worry, your information is always private until you choose to share it and you can change your privacy settings or opt-out at any time.

Follow these steps to join FBC's directory through Church Center:
Receive an invitation email
FBC has sent out an initial invitation email to those who are currently active within our congregation. This email contains a direct link that enables permission through that individual's profile to access the directory.
If you are regularly attending FBC and would like to join our directory please contact our office to ask for an invitation email.
If you are regularly attending FBC and would like to join our directory please contact our office to ask for an invitation email.
Log in (Web or App)
Once you've accepted the invite through the link in your email, FBC's Directory is available through the Church Center App or a web browser.
Use a Web Browser
Go the Church Center webpage
Enter your mobile phone number OR click 'Use email instead' to log in
If using a web browser, do not close the sign in window when retrieving your code
If the directory page does not appear, click on 'More' (top right) and choose Directory to view
Go the Church Center webpage
Enter your mobile phone number OR click 'Use email instead' to log in
If using a web browser, do not close the sign in window when retrieving your code
If the directory page does not appear, click on 'More' (top right) and choose Directory to view
Use the App
Ensure you've downloaded the Church Center App
Follow log in prompts
Click on "More" (three dots at the bottom right) and choose Directory to view
Ensure you've downloaded the Church Center App
Follow log in prompts
Click on "More" (three dots at the bottom right) and choose Directory to view

Church Center App Icon
View and select information to share
After logging in, either at the top of a web browser page or at the bottom on the app, the following message will appear and prompt you to share your information if you desire.

Click 'share now' to review your profile and choose which information to share with the others in the directory.
If you'd like to hide information within the directory simply uncheck the box beside it and it won't be viewed by others.
It is a CRA requirement to include your full mailing address on tax receipts - please only change inaccurate profile information. Thanks!

Click 'share now' to review your profile and choose which information to share with the others in the directory.
If you'd like to hide information within the directory simply uncheck the box beside it and it won't be viewed by others.
It is a CRA requirement to include your full mailing address on tax receipts - please only change inaccurate profile information. Thanks!
Add or Update Your Household Photo
1. From the home screen, you will see a circle icon in the upper right corner with your photo or initials in it. Tap it to view your current profile.
3. Scroll down to “HOUSEHOLD PHOTO” and tap “EDIT”
4. Tap “CHOOSE FROM PHOTO LIBRARY” to select a photo
5. Tap on the photo of your choice. It will automatically load.
6. When you’re happy with your photo, tap “UPDATE” at the top of your screen to save your changes.
TIP: Since the profile photo icon is small, choose a photo that is a close-up with your faces centered.
3. Scroll down to “HOUSEHOLD PHOTO” and tap “EDIT”
4. Tap “CHOOSE FROM PHOTO LIBRARY” to select a photo
5. Tap on the photo of your choice. It will automatically load.
6. When you’re happy with your photo, tap “UPDATE” at the top of your screen to save your changes.
TIP: Since the profile photo icon is small, choose a photo that is a close-up with your faces centered.
Who is invited in?
To be invited, the person must be 19 or older, have an email address, and be a current, regular attender at FBC. Only Administrative Staff can send invitations to join.
How do I access it?
Once you've accepted the invite through your email it is available through the Church Center App or a web browser.
- On the Church Center App, click on "More" (three dots at the bottom right) and choose Directory.
- On a web browser, go to https://fellowshipbiblechurch.churchcenter.com/directory/households.
Who sees my information?
Only those invited in by email can see information within the Directory.
What information is seen by others?
Only you determine what information is viewed by others. By default, none of your information is shared and you can choose if or what you'd like shown for yourself and anyone in your household. You can also change your privacy settings at any time.
The information that you can see in your profile is the information FBC has on file for you or your household. From your profile information you'll have the option to show or hide the following information:

The information that you can see in your profile is the information FBC has on file for you or your household. From your profile information you'll have the option to show or hide the following information:

- A photo (if uploaded)
- Name
- Photo
- Birthday (no year)
- Phone
- Address
How can I change incorrect or missing information?
Notice something incorrect? Church Center only allows you to edit yours and your household's email, phone or address. To edit any other information, please email the office with your requested changes.
Remember, if you'd like to hide information within the directory simply uncheck the box beside it. Please do not delete information on your profile (unless it is incorrect) as this will also delete it in your FBC profile.
Edit information using a web browser:
Remember, if you'd like to hide information within the directory simply uncheck the box beside it. Please do not delete information on your profile (unless it is incorrect) as this will also delete it in your FBC profile.
Edit information using a web browser:
- On the top right, click on your image or icon and choose profile
- Scroll down and edit your email, phone number or address then click save changes to save
- In the Directory tab, on the top right, tab on your image or icon
- Beside your name and photo tap on the '>' and edit your email, phone number or address and then tap update to save
Can I join without sharing my information?
Yes, you can be a part of our directory with as little or as much information you are comfortable with sharing.
Below is an example of the Directory settings and the information that can be shown or hidden.

Below is an example of the Directory settings and the information that can be shown or hidden.

Why is my adult son/daughter who lives with me not listed in my household?
For database purposes, we place anyone who is 19 or older in their own 'household'. Therefore they won't be listed in their parent's household even if they live at the same address.