Join young adults from all over the South Sound for our 4th annual retreat. This year we will be looking at the prayers of Jesus and Paul in the New Testament as they reveal insights into worship, dependence on God, unity, and spiritual growth. By studying these prayers, we will learn how to deepen our own conversations with God and pray for ourselves, others, and the church.
MARCH 28 - 30
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

Upcoming YAM Events
Spring Schedule
We meet every other Monday night (6:30pm) at FBC for study, discussion, prayer, and fellowship...
If you're new to our gatherings, you can expect...
-a name tag with a Question of the Day when you arrive
-some yummy snacks and sometimes a warm-up ice breaker
-about half an hour of study together
-about half an hour of discussion and prayer in small groups
-an open-ended time to hang out, play games, laugh and talk together
If you're new to our gatherings, you can expect...
-a name tag with a Question of the Day when you arrive
-some yummy snacks and sometimes a warm-up ice breaker
-about half an hour of study together
-about half an hour of discussion and prayer in small groups
-an open-ended time to hang out, play games, laugh and talk together
MONDAY, Mar 10
MONDAY, Mar 24
MONDAY, Mar 24
MONDAY, Apr 21
MONDAY, Apr 21
MONDAY, May 19
MONDAY, May 19

In our last study, we looked at the attributes of God. As we see the Lord more clearly and grow in love for Him, our lives should look different. This year we will consider how to grow in maturity as believers together - encouraging each other, bearing each other’s burdens, and spurring one another on toward love and good works. Our theme for the coming months is:
In light of who God is, how then should we live?
Bruce Stabbert will do most of the teaching, taking us through a progression of topics that are the building blocks of maturity. He will have a short biblical/theological section followed by a practical application assignment. Some weeks, instead of a teaching time, we will invite some FBC members to come share their testimonies. We will also have some additional speakers teach on specific topics related to the themes Bruce is covering.
The teaching time will be short. Bite-sized, but with depth, as we know people are often tired at the end of a long work week. Following the teaching time, we will divide into small groups for discussion, application and prayer. These small groups will be randomly divided and will stay the same for about 3 months before shuffling.
Purposes for the small groups:
· Because you meet with the same people each week you can follow up on prayer requests, providing accountability and support
· New people will have a place to belong right off the bat
· Because they are randomly assigned you will get to know people you don’t normally spend time with (this will offset the cliques that naturally form)
· Shuffling the groups every 3 months will broaden the number of people you get to know and will deepen relationships throughout the whole group.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”
- Hebrews 10:23-25a
The teaching time will be short. Bite-sized, but with depth, as we know people are often tired at the end of a long work week. Following the teaching time, we will divide into small groups for discussion, application and prayer. These small groups will be randomly divided and will stay the same for about 3 months before shuffling.
Purposes for the small groups:
· Because you meet with the same people each week you can follow up on prayer requests, providing accountability and support
· New people will have a place to belong right off the bat
· Because they are randomly assigned you will get to know people you don’t normally spend time with (this will offset the cliques that naturally form)
· Shuffling the groups every 3 months will broaden the number of people you get to know and will deepen relationships throughout the whole group.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”
- Hebrews 10:23-25a