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Are you looking for a way to get more involved at FBC? Come peruse the ministry opportunities on Sunday, September 10th after the service. Coordinators will be available to answer questions and help you find a place to serve.

BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT OVERSIGHT: A team that looks after the building, manages storage space and equipment maintenance, oversees custodial help, and keeps things such as the heating system running well. Contact: Jim Ricco (jmricco@juno.com)

CHILD CARE: These are paid positions to provide childcare for classes and special events (missions fundraisers, classes, etc.). We are also looking for a coordinator. Contact: Sheri Pedersen (sheri@fbctacoma.org)

COFFEE AND DONUTS: This team arrives early on Sunday mornings to set up the free donuts and coffee in the back of the auditorium. Contact: Steve Stone (sstone@tectaamerica.com)

ESPRESSO STAND: (Sacred Grounds): Volunteer baristas who make lattes, Americanos, and other delicious complimentary caffeinated beverages before our Sunday morning services and at occasional special events. Contact: Brandy Berry (brandyberry87@gmail.com)

GREETERS: The welcoming team that warmly greets everyone on their way into the service and answers questions for first-time guests. Contact: Vander and June Corley (junecorley2@gmail.com) GROUNDS CREW: A team that mows the grass, pulls the weeds, blows the leaves, paints the parking lot lines, and generally keeps the church property looking great. Contact: Chuck Tucker and Jim Ricco.

HOSPITALITY TEAM: A team that plans and prepares coffee, cookies, and meals for events and classes at FBC. Contact: Sheri Pedersen

KITCHEN TEAM: The team that manages the efficient use of the FBC kitchen. Contact: Mary Ricco

LOCAL OUTREACH: A team that responds to needs in our local community. Contact: Richard Berghammer 

LORD’S TABLE PREPARATION: This team prepares the elements for communion (pours the juice and breaks the wafers). Contact: Daniel and Janis Wood

PARKING LOT PATROL: This team provides security for the parking lot during Sunday morning services and other ministry events. Contact: John Lennox

QUILTING GROUP: This group gathers on Tuesday afternoons to sew quilts for newlyweds and new babies born to FBC families. Contact: Jill Ann Mitchell

WOMEN’S MINISTRIES: This team organizes and conducts a weekly Bible study for women as well as annual retreats an fellowship events. Contact: June Corley and Sheri Pedersen

CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: A team of teachers and helpers who provide childcare and conduct Bible learning classes for kids infancy to 5th Grade. Specific opportunities include:
Classroom teachers: use the Gospel Project lesson plans to present the story of redemption through Jesus – Pre-school teachers volunteer for 1 month at a time, Elementary class teachers volunteer for 3 months at a time (9:35-11:00)
Classroom helpers: assist the children in teacher-directed activities - one or two helpers needed in each classroom, pre-school through grade 5 - volunteer for 1 month at a time or 3 months at a time (9:35-11:00)
Worship leader: lead the children's worship time (9:40-10:00) following the worship outline - volunteer times vary Childcare: provide care for infants and toddlers in the Nursery and Tiny Treasures
-For elementary school ages, contact Joanne Berry and Amy Potts
-For pre-school ages, contact Natalie Collins
-For babies & toddlers contact Jontal Corley

The ministry tables will be in the breezeway outside following the service.  If anyone has wondered where they might fit as they get more involved at FBC, this Ministry Fair will highlight the areas in need of volunteers.  Each table will have a coordinator who can share details about what is involved in their ministry, how often people serve, what the time commitment looks like and what prior experience would be helpful.  Not only does serving one another fulfill one of God’s purposes for the local church, it provides a place for relationships to grow.

We are so grateful for the people who are actively serving at FBC.  You are a blessing to us all!  We want this Ministry Fair to provide an opportunity to express gratitude to the Lord for all that He has enabled and equipped us to do for His Kingdom and His glory!