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FBC Discovery Seminars

GATHER God’s people together to GLORIFY Him through the GIFTS He has given them, and GROW them toward a mature faith and the desire to GO out to an un-churched world.

The DISCOVERY SERIES is designed to help fulfill the purposes God has given to us as a congregation.  Offered on average one per month, these seminars cover the many basics of how we can walk the path of authentic followers of Jesus.  Each seminar is about 4 hours long and involves a notebook with instruction and discussion.  It is expected that all faithful participants of this congregation will attend all five of these seminars.

001 Discovering Worship

At the core of everything we do as a church is bringing glory to God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

This seminar is designed to teach us what the life of worship is all about - a life that is far more than Sunday mornings singing a song, but one of constant celebration of God's goodness and grace to us. God is seeking people to worship Him (John 4:23). Worship is the honest response to Someone who happens to be great beyond imagining.

At the end of this seminar, our hope is that we are more committed than ever to live every minute of our lives in the enjoyment of God who loves us. In this seminar, we learn how to love Him back - with our whole hearts.

101 Discovering Membership

God calls us to be part of a wonderful family. He doesn't birth us and make us raise ourselves. He gathers us together with His other children in something He calls the CHURCH. This is far more than attending some church service once in a while. This family of people across the world is where Christ shows His glory and authority (Ephesians 1:22-23). Our congregation is just one local expression of Christ's sovereignty and love. 
This seminar is designed to help us understand how our commitment to Christ also involves a commitment to be a contributing part of His Body. We talk about the doctrines and vision of our congregation. The distinctives of Fellowship Bible Church are highlighted in this seminar so that each person can make a responsible decision about becoming a member of Fellowship Bible Church.

201 Discovering Maturity

It's one thing to be born into a family; it's another thing to grow up well.

This class is designed to help us develop the habits and attitudes that lead to maturity in Christ. We talk honestly about spiritual disciplines and the importance of accountability within a community of other believers who are striving to become more like Jesus. It should be our heart to be like Paul and use all our energy to help both ourselves and others become mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28-29). At the close of this class our prayer is that we carry away a fresh commitment to use these tools to be built up in Christ. 

301 Discovering My Ministry

The purpose of growing strong in Christ is so that we can serve Him better. Our lives are not for ourselves, but for others. Before we were born, God ordained the good works that we would each be doing within His creation (Ephesians 2:10).

This seminar is designed to help us discover how God shaped us for useful service in His Kingdom. By analyzing our gifts and passions, combined with our past experiences and our opportunities, we are challenged to imagine what ministries we might be good for in the Body of Christ. We talk about the kinds of ministries that can be done within Fellowship Bible Church. We walk away from this seminar with a clearer vision of how the Lord can use us to love Him and love others. 

401 Discovering My Mission

God has shaped us to have impact in the world of unbelievers.  We are told in the Bible to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15).  In recognition that Jesus has left us on earth after we are saved to be His ambassadors, we need instruction in how we share the gospel both nearby and far away.

Our goal in this seminar is that we will commit ourselves to being messengers of God’s good news, using our time,  talents, and treasure for His Kingdom, regardless of what it costs.  We describe how this mission is both local and global in reach.  The news we have is so good, it cannot be hoarded for ourselves! 

…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.  Amen 

2 Peter 3:18