The Dangers of Redefining Reality
There is a movement today attempting to erase the distinctions of male and female, so this week’s worldview watch is designed to help us think Biblically and respond compassionately.
From the beginning of creation Satan has been trying to redefine reality. It started when he spoke seeds of doubt to Eve by asking: “Did God really say….?” Redefining reality is still happening today. God made it clear that when he made us in his image as male and female it was very good (Gen. 1:31). God created humans to be in a beautiful relationship with himself, but we don’t have to read very far in Genesis to see what sin does to God’s good and beautiful creation. As a result, we have been living under the distorting, disordering, disintegrating effects of the fall ever since. As humans, we long at our deepest level to be in right relationship with God. In order to orient ourselves rightly as humans, we must emphasize that we are created and stand in relationship to God as creature to Creator. When we discard this truth as humans or as a society, we then lose connection with God and ourselves and what is good.
There are at least two aspects of worldview being distorted in our present day. The first centers on the question: who is in a position of authority to define humans – the creator or creature? Second: what is a human being?
The attempt to remove the language of male and female and create a new reality is being strongly promoted by the LGBTQ+ movement and others by means of media, education, politics, and cancel culture. There are many motives driving those involved in these efforts, but one factor at the root is a desire to be your “authentic self.” Ultimately, we must recognize what longings lie deep in the hearts of all humans (desire for Acceptance & Purpose) and remember the questions they are asking: Who am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? With minds informed by a biblical worldview and hearts guided by compassion, let’s share the good news of Jesus Christ. He is the only hope for being in a right relationship with God and grasping a right understanding of ourselves, our world, and reality. This is the only way to truly finding our authentic selves!
What’s happening in our culture is saddening and at times maddening, which can stir us up to frustration and anger about where things are heading. But how should we respond as Christians and with what kind of attitude? Pray, love people, speak truth, vote, contact your state representatives, contact your child’s school teachers and district administrators to find out what’s being taught in your school district and let them know what you think.
Here is some current information and examples of how this new reality is being promoted:
From the beginning of creation Satan has been trying to redefine reality. It started when he spoke seeds of doubt to Eve by asking: “Did God really say….?” Redefining reality is still happening today. God made it clear that when he made us in his image as male and female it was very good (Gen. 1:31). God created humans to be in a beautiful relationship with himself, but we don’t have to read very far in Genesis to see what sin does to God’s good and beautiful creation. As a result, we have been living under the distorting, disordering, disintegrating effects of the fall ever since. As humans, we long at our deepest level to be in right relationship with God. In order to orient ourselves rightly as humans, we must emphasize that we are created and stand in relationship to God as creature to Creator. When we discard this truth as humans or as a society, we then lose connection with God and ourselves and what is good.
There are at least two aspects of worldview being distorted in our present day. The first centers on the question: who is in a position of authority to define humans – the creator or creature? Second: what is a human being?
The attempt to remove the language of male and female and create a new reality is being strongly promoted by the LGBTQ+ movement and others by means of media, education, politics, and cancel culture. There are many motives driving those involved in these efforts, but one factor at the root is a desire to be your “authentic self.” Ultimately, we must recognize what longings lie deep in the hearts of all humans (desire for Acceptance & Purpose) and remember the questions they are asking: Who am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? With minds informed by a biblical worldview and hearts guided by compassion, let’s share the good news of Jesus Christ. He is the only hope for being in a right relationship with God and grasping a right understanding of ourselves, our world, and reality. This is the only way to truly finding our authentic selves!
What’s happening in our culture is saddening and at times maddening, which can stir us up to frustration and anger about where things are heading. But how should we respond as Christians and with what kind of attitude? Pray, love people, speak truth, vote, contact your state representatives, contact your child’s school teachers and district administrators to find out what’s being taught in your school district and let them know what you think.
Here is some current information and examples of how this new reality is being promoted:
Terms like “male,” “female,” “gender,” “he,” “she,” have been redefined to give priority to individual inner impressions (subjective sense of “authentic self”) rather than referring to a given reality. In some cases, those who adhere to the biblical view of creation and gender are being forced to adopt these redefined terms or face serious consequences.
The proposed bill from Assembly Members Evan Low and Cristina Garcia would require stores to have one unisex section for children's products and apparel. A California Bill would give $1,000 fines to retailers with separate 'girls' and 'boys' toy sections.
Currently in Washington state, Senate Bill SB5044 is being heard which requires training programs identified for equity, diversity, antiracism, and inclusion, which must consider various races, ethnicities, religions, disabilities, sexualities, and genders. In both Nebraska and North Carolina teachers are asked not to call students boys or girls. Here is a NC school board quote regarding not addressing kids as boys and girls. "We have kids who come to us with a whole variety of circumstances, and we need to equitably serve all kids." What does this statement have to do with gender identity? What is wrong with its premise? How does this fit with the statistics above? Is gender inclusivity simply compassionate accommodation or is this more about calculated persuasion?
The Apostle Paul spoke about the disordered loves and disintegration that takes place when people erase God from the picture and define reality. Romans 1:24–25 “Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.” People may try to create our own reality, but all of us must live in God’s.
Paul reveals that there is a struggle over who gets to declare what it means to be human! If the reality of who we are is lost, then it follows that we will not be able to understand the reason and purpose for our existence either.
Remember: this isn’t about being judgmental of the worldview that others hold, it’s about courageously promoting a biblical worldview. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Paul reveals that there is a struggle over who gets to declare what it means to be human! If the reality of who we are is lost, then it follows that we will not be able to understand the reason and purpose for our existence either.
Remember: this isn’t about being judgmental of the worldview that others hold, it’s about courageously promoting a biblical worldview. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Remember: this isn’t about being judgmental of the worldview that others hold, it’s about courageously promoting a biblical worldview. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Here are some video resources designed to develop understanding and promote thought:
This video focuses on distinguishing and responding to the logic of current ideas being promoted by the transgender and larger LGBTQ+ movement:
This video focuses on distinguishing and responding to the logic of current ideas being promoted by the transgender and larger LGBTQ+ movement:
This video focuses more on the differences between men and women as science shows:
**This paper is too brief to treat all of the aspects of the transgender movement and gender dysphoria, but we will address these in an upcoming Worldview Watch.
Posted in Worldview Watch
Posted in worldview watch, gender, Romans, Ephesians, Genesis, politics, Education
Posted in worldview watch, gender, Romans, Ephesians, Genesis, politics, Education