WW: Week Five
What is your view on Humanity today? We, as a nation, have just gone through and are still in the midst of a political firestorm with plenty of names and categories to define both sides. Add to that the racial tensions, protests, marches and angst and it is easy to get aligned with one side or the other and see the divisions being caused. These divisions have been around throughout history and humanity has handled them with every sort of solution imaginable.
In Esther we see division playing out before us. In one of the sermon’s from Esther it was mentioned that the enmity that was between Haman and Mordecai (and all the Jews) was evil and that, in fact, any enmity, anger or hatred between people was from the evil one.
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring;”
(Genesis 3:15 ESV)
Adam and Eve were the only created things that bore God’s image. Now, roll forward several thousand years to where we are today. As Christian’s, do we see ALL of humanity as image bearer’s of God and respond in an appropriate way? Or do we let enmity, anger or hatred step between us and cause divisions that don’t allow us to see each other as “Image Bearers” that have fallen to sin and need a savior? Ask God to show you if any enmity has crept into any areas of your life in how you view others of a different opinion, ethnicity, politics, etc?
In Esther we see division playing out before us. In one of the sermon’s from Esther it was mentioned that the enmity that was between Haman and Mordecai (and all the Jews) was evil and that, in fact, any enmity, anger or hatred between people was from the evil one.
“I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring;”
(Genesis 3:15 ESV)
Adam and Eve were the only created things that bore God’s image. Now, roll forward several thousand years to where we are today. As Christian’s, do we see ALL of humanity as image bearer’s of God and respond in an appropriate way? Or do we let enmity, anger or hatred step between us and cause divisions that don’t allow us to see each other as “Image Bearers” that have fallen to sin and need a savior? Ask God to show you if any enmity has crept into any areas of your life in how you view others of a different opinion, ethnicity, politics, etc?